
Measurabl unlocks DEIB strategy
Case Study

The Challenge

Measurabl, headquartered in downtown San Diego, California, is the world’s most widely adopted ESG (environmental, social, governance) data management solution for real estate.

Measurabl also stands out for its concern for its personnel, cultural expansion, and its ever-growing global employee population. They needed help better integrating their new employees into the larger company culture, and they came to us for a holistic DEIB solution.

The Goal

Create a solid diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging strategy. It was an accountable plan to ensure they were ready to grow from one office to a fully remote environment with new global hires.  The only way they would continue to dominate the ESG space was if they learned to take their previous California in-office culture and evolve it into a more global inclusive remote culture.

Diversity contributes in a variety of ways to a company’s success:

  • It helps with innovation, creativity, and problem-solving. A study published in Science Direct found there is a relationship between employee gender and a company’s likelihood to innovate. 
  • It boosts financial performance. According to research from McKinsey, companies whose executive teams were the most gender and ethnically diverse tended to have better financial results than less diverse companies.

Learn how our DEIB solutions can help your company

PowerToFly Partnership

DEIB consultancy and implementation with the following training pathways:
  • Becoming a Highly Inclusive Leader; what employees are looking for in leadership, and the impact of inclusivity.
  • Navigating Conflict Resolution; strategies to build trust, conflict resolution, and facilitate difficult conversations within the workplace.
  • Embedding DEIB Within Company DNA; how to build a culture of inclusion and belonging for underrepresented talent.
  • Amplifying Employee Engagement; best practices to champion for all identities in the workplace.
Employee resource groups (ERGs) program with business goals that further enhance inclusion and belonging.

The Solution

To keep up with their rapid growth, we developed a DEIB Strategy in which we closely guide them on how to create a customized plan to hire top diverse talent and retain their current high-performing staff.

We also created an employee resource groups program from beginning to end. ERGs help employees feel more attached to a company and its culture, and they may also aid businesses in hiring and employee retention.

For Measurabl, it included: 

  • Communication plan 
  • ERGs applications/sign ups 
  • HR sponsors 
  • Leader nomination and voting process
  • Project management process 
  • And progressive responsibilities


“Thought it was a great session and important for all to be aware of the cultural differences we can all face. It helps make us better as a team when we understand each other clearer. “

Measurabl group assistant - Working Effectively and Empathetically in a Global Community

“It was nice to have this conversation and I love how Dani and Noelle and Measurabl all take it seriously. Great stuff!!”

Measurabl group assistant - Working Effectively and Empathetically in a Global Community


Are you interested in learning more about our holistic DEIB solutions?

The Impact

We launched the ERGs and credited them with accomplishing goals such as:

  • Improving work conditions for alienated workers. ERGs help give a sense of community.
  • Making the physical work environment better for everyone.
  • Bringing employees together in a safe space where they can share the knowledge and experience that they have.
  • Identifying and developing leaders in the making that might otherwise go overlooked due to unconscious bias.
  • Reducing the chance of getting frustrated. This helps address problems quickly and create positive environments for all.

4 out of 5

Attendees feel comfortable talking about DEIB within the workplace

4.09 out of 5

Attendees feel Measurabl is a supportive environment for all individuals

100% Overall Rate

Attendees increased understanding on the roadblocks and/or struggles their colleagues may face in the workplace

And we continue to collaborate together to achieve the implementation of its DEIB strategy and reach many more goals.

Learn about our DEIB solutions

If you want to learn more about our hiring, attraction, and retention solutions, book a call or email us at