
Updating and improving DEIB strategies
Case Study

The Challenge

RebelMouse is a creative agency fueled by a publishing platform with deep technology and the highest-performing CMS on the web. Diversity is a core value for this company; they take their DEIB commitments very seriously and don't take it for granted!

This is why updating and improving strategies to attract talent from underrepresented groups, develop and promote them is fundamental for RebelMouse. For this reason, they needed to train their teams to be in tune with what diversity means to the company.

The Goal

RebelMouse seeks to attract talent from underrepresented groups that can thrive and develop in a remote work environment that's DEIB-focused. 

Why? Because it's proven that DEIB takes the cake and a study from McKinsey backs this up:

  • Companies with more gender diversity on executive teams are 25% more likely to have above-average profitability.
  • In the case of ethnic and cultural diversity, companies with higher representation are 36% more profitable. 

Learn how our DEIB solutions can help your company

PowerToFly Partnership

  • Company page

Company pages and branded content are great tools to attract and engage highly skilled job seekers from diverse backgrounds. A curated page on PowerToFly's website allowed RebelMouse to build credibility within our community of 200+ million diverse professionals. 

  • DEIB training
And with DEIB training sessions, provided in classroom-style courses with breakout spaces and deep-dive content, RebelMouse gave their employees the opportunity to learn about different types of biases, the impact they have on the business, and ways to actively work towards building a more inclusive workplace.

The Solution

With a company page and branded content in PowerToFly, RebelMouse leveraged to...

  • Increase engagement with diverse talent, which in turn, drives more traffic to your page and encourages talent to apply.
  • Build brand awareness by sharing captivating stories and actionable advice.
  • Foster real-time dialogue with the talent they were seeking to attract.
  • Show (don't tell) all people that they belong with curated stories and advice shared with candidates and used in their recruitment messaging.

On the other hand our DEIB training allowed RebelMouse to...

  • Help accelerate the personal and professional development of RebelMouse’s employees
  • Build a culture of belonging.
  • Learn to connect across cultures and lived experiences.
  • Build psychological safety for deeper employee engagement.
  • Enable their leaders with inclusive training. 
  • Learn strategic tools to navigate change.
  • Understand how to build a remote team culture from a sense of belonging.

Together, we were able to attract talent from underrepresented groups around the world and create a more inclusive company that supports all.

Are you interested in learning more about our holistic DEIB solutions?

The Impact

RebelMouse employees have been thrilled with our products, and training participants gave 90% positive thoughts on the first training and 100% on the second. They said that they are motivated to apply the new skills/concepts around navigating bias in their professional life.

On average, according to information gathered in our post-training surveys: 

  • 90% of participants agree that their feelings of belonging within the company and with colleagues increased. 
  • 97% understand the importance of DEIB training and how they impact individuals and larger business goals.

We have also been able to prove lower attrition rates, as well as higher employee ENP score and retention rates, employees' productivity, and overall company sales.

And last but not least we increased more than 10x their Company Pageviews with their monthly listicles resulting in a better performance in their conversion rate, and even hiring their SEO strategist.


"I'm never surprised to have happy clients, but it's always wonderful to see our clients thrive and see happy employees due to our work."

- Noelle Johnson, Global DEI Strategist and Trainer of PowertoFly.

Learn about our DEIB solutions

If you want to learn more about our hiring, attraction, and retention solutions, book a call or email us at